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Company practices in viticulture

The cultivation of the vines

The vines have been cultivated for centuries in terraced soils (typical 'fasce'), which allow the plants an ideal supply of light and ventilation.

Mechanical soil processing is adopted with surface mechanical harrowing or plowing to control weeds without resorting to chemicals, while maintaining soil fertility and structure with subsequent spontaneous winter cover cropping.

Nutrients are mainly provided through the shredding or green manure of weeds, with limited use of organo-mineral fertilization only in cases of severe deficiencies.

In our territory, the vine does not require, in most climatic conditions, irrigation to ensure good quality and quantity of grapes.

grape harvest tradition

The grape selection

The experience gained from the numerous generations of winemakers who have succeeded in the company over the years allows us to select the best grape clusters already during their formation, eliminating the excess ones.

The fruit, when ripe, is harvested between mid and late September

The desire to produce a wine of excellent quality has led to the choice of selecting the best clusters with rigorous criteria of perfect ripeness and absence of any deformity, and consequently, to vinify only a limited percentage of the grapes produced on the estate. Hence the name of our Riviera Ligure di Ponente - Pigato, 'A çernia,' which means the selection.

selection of Pigato DOC grapes

The winemaking process

The grapes are harvested manually, cluster by cluster, using ventilated crates that preserve them intact and healthy, avoiding heating.

Immediately brought to the cellar, they are inspected and then sent to the press for soft pressing (white vinification).

The fermentation of the must occurs in stainless steel tanks at a controlled temperature, and the aging is done on the fine lees.

Bottling is done with a bottling machine equipped with a depressor to create vacuum before corking.

bottle and glass of Pigato wine