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Pigato and its characteristics

What is it

Pigato is a very ancient grape variety, seemingly originating from Thessaly and arriving in Liguria in 1600, after being first cultivated in Spain and Corsica.

The first written traces in the area date back to 1830 when Francesco Gagliolo, the parish priest of the nearby village of Ortovero, promoted its cultivation among the inhabitants of the Borgo, while only in 1950 there is evidence of its commercialization by fellow countryman Rodolfo Gaggino. Pigato Riviera Ligure di Ponente obtained the recognition of Denominazione d'Origine Controllata (DOC) in 1988.

It takes its name from the dialectal term 'pigau', referring to the 'pighe', the typical small brown spots that characterize the berries. A biotype of Vermentino (the two most widespread white grape varieties in Liguria), it differs from the latter in the berries, which, when ripe, take on an amber color due to the characteristic small spots, as well as the smaller leaves and clusters.

Vermentino prefers soils near the coast, while Pigato fully expresses its characteristics when planted in areas at least 300/400 meters above sea level, characterized by a slight temperature variation that gives the wine an aroma of aromatic herbs and greater density compared to Vermentino. This is where our vineyards are located.

Pigato DOC vineyard

Its characteristics

A very fine wine due to the limestone-rich soils where it is cultivated, it has a straw-yellow color with golden reflections and a bouquet of floral aromas and hints of white and yellow fruit.

Pleasant and harmonious on the palate, thanks also to its fruity and fresh flavor that creates a balance with a savory finish tempered by light hints of almond.

It pairs excellently with all Ligurian traditional dishes, both first courses like ravioli and pasta with Genoese pesto, and second courses based on fish, often cooked with pine nuts and flavorful Taggiasca olives, but also with white meats and medium-aged cheeses, as well as desserts, often made with peach, apricot, and blueberry jams.

Pigato DOC wine

Our wine

Our Pigato Riviera Ligure di Ponente D.O.C. is entirely produced with our grapes, obtained from vineyards owned entirely located in the municipality of Ranzo, at an altitude between 350 and 400 meters above sea level

This particular terroir is characterized, among other things, by a medium hill perfectly exposed to the South, which allows the grapes to fully ripen, and by a soil rich in minerals, which guarantees all the necessary nutrients to the plant.

The significant temperature variations in the area where our vineyards are located are a determining factor in achieving a good concentration of aromatic substances in the grape skins, the right terpenes and polyphenols, which guarantee a final product with more intense, elegant aromas, and the correct concentration of fixed acids in the pulp, essential for good wine preservation.

The harvest is entirely done by hand, cluster by cluster, using ventilated crates to prevent fruit alteration, which are immediately taken to the cellar.

bottle and glass on burl wood