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The Taggiasca olive oil and its characteristics

What is it

Extra virgin olive oil is defined as such when it is produced by mechanical pressing of the drupes without the use of any chemical processes.

It contains, in addition to the fundamental chemical components (triglycerides), other substances (polyphenols, enzymes, etc.) which, although present in truly infinitesimal quantities, are mainly responsible for the color, taste, and aroma. Its composition varies depending on the production area, cultivar, health status, degree of fruit ripeness, olive harvesting and storage methods before milling, and the milling process itself.

crushing Taggiasca olives


Olive oil is fundamental in the history of human nutrition and in the preparation of typical dishes of Mediterranean cuisine. It is the cooking base that constitutes a precise geographical and cultural indicator, characterizing the cuisine of this region and distinguishing it from that of mountainous and continental areas. It is a pillar of the Mediterranean diet, which has reached in recent years its definitive consecration as an ideal dietary model.

Studies conducted in the medical and nutritional fields have confirmed the leading position of this product over all other fats, both vegetable and animal. Its high smoke point makes it very suitable for frying. Its use is recommended due to the richness of monounsaturated fatty acids. It has beneficial properties thanks to the presence of antioxidant substances (phenols and tocopherols) and its ability to combat cholesterol. This is the reason that has favored the introduction of olive oil, traditionally reserved for Mediterranean peoples, also in the diet of other countries.


The oil of Taggiasca

The uniqueness of Taggiasca olive oil, the typical cultivar of the Ligurian Riviera, lies in its lightness, due to its low acidity, and its fruity and particularly sweet flavor.

These particular characteristics make it particularly suitable for cooking dishes with delicate flavors, which this seasoning manages to enhance without overpowering.

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